Participant Information Sheet
Community Wellbeing in Greater Manchester
What is the purpose of the study?
This survey aims to evaluate how community wellbeing varies across the Boroughs of Greater Manchester. This is part of a larger study which is evaluating the feasibility of community-enhanced social prescribing, a method of developing local community wellbeing resources and supporting people to access them. You do not need to have any experience of social prescribing to participate in this survey.
Who is undertaking the study?
This study is being conducted by a team of researchers from the University of York, University of Central Lancashire and London School of Economics and Political Science.
Why have I been invited to take part?
We are conducting an online survey of residents in Greater Manchester to evaluate community wellbeing as part of the study.
What does taking part involve?
Taking part in the study involves completion of a brief online survey which should take no longer than 5-10 minutes. This will include questions about your sense of community and wellbeing.
Do I have to take part?
No, completing the survey is completely voluntary. If you did choose to take part and then changed your mind we will not be able to withdraw your data as it will be anonymous.
What are the benefits and risks of participating?
Benefits: Your participation helps us to evaluate community wellbeing in Manchester.
Risks: No risks of participating in this survey have been identified.
Will I be compensated for taking part?At the end of the survey you will have the option to enter a prize draw for a £50 Amazon voucher. The prize draw will take place on 31st October 2023. Three people will be selected (out of a maximum of 400 respondents) at random. To enter, you will need to enter your email address at the end of the survey - this will only be used to inform you if you have won the prize draw and will not be used for any other reason.
Will my information be kept confidential?
Yes, your data will be anonymous, kept confidential and not shared with anyone. Further information about how your data will be used and protected in line with the General Data Protection Regulation can be found here:
GDPR sheet - online survey.
Who is funding the research?
The study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (Research for Social Care programme).
Who has given approval to conduct the research?
The research has been approved by the Dept of Social Policy and Social Work Research Ethics Committee.
How do I find out more information?
Please contact the researcher, Dr Cheyann Heap: or tel. 07552285975.
PIS-online survey, v2, 25.04.23